
5 things you can do to prepare for Fall and Winter

Can you believe it is September? This summer flew by and I feel it  just began! With school approaching for the kiddos, it’s important to get things in order health wise for the winter. I always stock up and get things ready so I am prepared for anything that comes my way. Here are my top…

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Please time slow down…

Today Savannah and Declan wanted to watch old videos. So we curled up on the living room floor all snuggled up and watched ALL of them. Boy was that HARD! I dare every parent to sit and watch all of the videos of their children and not get emotional. It kills me to think that my…

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Living a life that is congruent with your values.

There are so many people living life not in congruence with their own personal values. This is something all of us must define, and come to terms with. I recently listened to one of my chiropractic brothers( Dr. Austin Cohen..look him up, he’s awesome) give a webinar on the importance of values. It hit home to…

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Inspiration. What inspires you? Who inspires you to want to make your life better? We often get so stuck in our daily routines, we forget to fuel and juice the one thing that’s important…ourselves. We simply forget to do the things that fill our cup. Whether it be time with friends, reading a good book, or…

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