We’ve all been there. HANGRY, and do not want to eat out. Hungry and angry is not a pleasant combination. If you are like me, it’s hard to find healthy options for lunch when you are on the go. Yes, there are sandwiches everywhere, but I like to stay away from bread and watch my gluten intake. Mason jar salads are so simple, and the options are endless!!!! I will share one of my favorite recipes that I made with leftovers in my fridge. I tend to just throw whatever I have in my fridge, when I don’t have time to be creative. You can’t go wrong! Have I mentioned my love of mason jars???? They are my best friend, my pal and life saver… I love them! I use them to store Stock and Kombucha and love them for making dressing. The possibilities are endless!!!!
What I used in my mason jar salad:
~glass mason jar- I like these ~I usually buy the wide mouth glasses.
~Mason Jar Lids– You don’t need these but I LOVE these!!!! Make sure you get the wide mouth if you buy wide mouth mason Jars.
~leftover Salsa Chicken
~1 tbsp of finely chopped red onion
~1 small yellow pepper diced
~ 2-3 cups of green leaf lettuce chopped finely
~ 1 cup of red kale on top
~red wine vinegar dressing-equal parts olive oil & red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, and minced garlic) or homemade ranch(recipe coming soon)
1. Make sure you place meat on the bottom of glass mason jar.
2. Place peppers and onions next. You may also add any other veggie you want.
3. Cut up Green leaf Lettuce or any other lettuce of your choice( I love green leaf because it’s crunchy with the added nutrients. Place cut up red kale on top of lettuce.
4. I always bring dressing on the side, but you can put dressing on the very bottom of jar before meat mixture.
5. Place plastic lid on mason jar after you have added your dressing. Shake until dressing and layers have mixed well.
6. Enjoy!!!!