Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup:)

Happy Fall Ya’ll!!! 

I ended up getting a few Butternut Squash from my aunt from the garden so I decided to use them up with some delicious soup! This is the most simple recipe and it’s so delicious!! 

~ 1 large yellow onion

~4 cloves of chopped garlic

~ 3/4 cup of grass fed butter or coconut oil ( expeller pressed, unflavored) 

~ 2 butternut squash

~3 sweet potatoes

~6 cups of chx stock. 

~ 1/2 cup of raw honey( or more to taste)

~1 tsp of cinnamon( you may add more to taste)

~1/2 tsp of nutmeg

~salt and pepper to taste



Chop onion and garlic. Place onion, garlic and butter in a skillet. Let onion and garlic caramelize in the butter. Add Chicken stock to a large pot. Place caramelized onion mixture  in the chicken stock. Set aside.  Peal skin off of butternut squash and sweet potatoes. Once done, cut up sweet potatoes and squash in small pieces so they can fit in the large pot. Let  cook until a fork can go through the squash and sweet potato easily. 

Transfer your cooked soup into a blender, a little bit at a time. This will make a thick liquid like shown in the picture. Once you are done making this the consistency of your choice, add spices and honey. Enjoy!